( 'filename --- )
This word shells to the OS to execute the editor specified in the global C variable editor. The default is EMACS, except for Coherent where the name is "me". Usage is:
      { filename} here edit

      " filename" edit
Once the filename has been specified in the first edit, simply use here to edit the same file again. Use system to use another editor at run-time.
( --- )
"else". Else is the starting execution point for the FALSE portion of an if statement. Its usage is:
      : aword   if ." true" else ." false" then ;
Use only within a colon definition. See if.
( c --- )
"emit". Type the character on the top of the stack to the screen.
      65 emit
displays an `A'.
( n --- )
"end-case". Close a case conditional statement.
( --- )
"end-if". A synonym for then. Terminate an if statement. endif is the branch point for exiting the conditional. See if. It is used in the form"
      : aword    if true_words else false_words endif ;
      : bword    if true_words endif ;
The if statement and its parts can only be used in a colon definition.
( n --- )
"end-of". Close the of portion of a case conditional statement.
( 'word --- )
"execute". Execute the word whose address, 'word, is on the top of the stack. Used in the form:
       ' aword execute
Some Forths expect the CFA and others expect the PFA. Until uses the WA, which is the address of the dictionary entry structure. In the case where ' returns the CFA and expect requires the PFA, the word >body must be used to convert the CFA to the PFA. This is not required by Until.
( --- )
"exit". This word presently does nothing at the present. Someday, it will exit from the currently executing word.
( addr len --- )
"expect". Read up to len characters from the keyboard into the buffer pointed to by addr. Input is terminated either by a <CR> or len bytes being read. The number of bytes input can be obtained from the system variable span.

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