Scientific ANS Forth Library Coding Guidelines October 1994 1. The source code should be declared public in some manner. This can include: public domain, Gnu style copyleft, or copy- right with permission to use. Use whatever form your conscience or employer dictates. 2. The code should document the description of the algorithm so that a user who needed to could look up the source of the algorithm. 3. Assume a separate floating point stack. That is, no fp numbers go on the data stack. 4. Use the array and matrix notational convention from Noble, "Scientific FORTH: a modern language for scientific computing" (Mechum Banks Publishing, Ivy, VA 1992) ISBN 0-9632775-0-2, p. 105ff. Implementational details will be presumed machine-dependent and left to the user. Here is a description of the notation: > array names end with {, {{, {{{ etc. depending on whether they are 1-, 2- or 3-dimensional. > }, }}, etc. are FORTH words. > The resulting notation looks like: A{ I } ( adr of I'th element of A{ ) M{{ I J }} ( adr I,J'th elt of M{{ ) etc. Arrays are ZERO based. 5. The code is to be in ANS Forth and assume the operators given in the FLOATING POINT extension wordset of the dp-ANS-6 proposal. 6. A naming convention for COMPLEX operators and functions has been proposed but not adopted. The convention starts such names with Z, as in ZEXP, ZSIN, Z*, SZ@, DZ@, etc. The actual IMPLEMENTATION of the complex data type is unspecfied, but the SYNTAX to be used is defined in the FSL file 'complex'. (The implementation given there should be taken to be one example of how to implement the syntax and not as the FSL standard. An alternative implementation is given in 'complex2'). 7. A convention for passing function or subroutine names has been suggested in Noble's book (p. 162 ff). Basically, suppose one wants to integrate a function g(x) = sin( 1 / x ) from 0.01 to 10^4. Then one might say ( :: signifies the fp stack) : g(x) ( :: x -- sin[1/x] ) 1/F FSIN ; USE( g(x) % 0.01 % 1.E4 % 1.E-5 )INTEGRAL One needn't make assumptions about how to implement USE( , but one possible definition is : USE( ' ; Used interactively, USE( leaves the execution token of the following word on the data stack. It is then available for the subsequent words to employ. For multiple function arguments USE( could be extended as, ' use( alias & Thus, use( fn1 & fn2 & fn3 % numerical args )function Since we feel SOME convention for passing names as arguments is necesssary, please voice your opinions on this matter. 8. Acceptable library routines are not allowed to modify the system; that is, after loading your files the system should still compile ANS-compliant FORTH code. 9. The code should contain a version number and date within the comments section. 10. All submissions should include a test driver and some means of verifying that a local compilation ran properly. 11. Any environmental dependencies must be stated in the header. For example \ Employs the file array.seq to implement }, }}, etc. \ Assumes segmented (PC-style) addressing with long- \ form addresses. The aim of using such conventions is to provide code that can be read with moderate effort by FORTRAN programmers. Remember: SHORT definitions, well chosen names and thorough documentation help enormously. Submit code to the Forth FTP archive on connect as anonymous, and place the code in the pub/incoming directory. The code will be submitted to peer review and then indexed and placed in pub/Forth/Scientific directory when it is accepted. Note: since we intend to have the code peer-reviewed, please let Skip Carter ( know of your specialties so that we can attempt a reasonable match of code and reviewers. Everett (Skip) Carter Phone: 831-641-0645 FAX: 831-641-0647 Taygeta Scientific Inc. INTERNET: 1340 Munras Ave, Suite 314 WWW: Monterey, CA. 93940 PS: Noble will make an abbreviated version of his FORmula TRANslator available to anyone willing to submit programs to this project, in a form compatible with F-PC and respecting the ANS FLOATING POINT extension wordset. Only the translation function will be included, since the idea is to facilitate turning formulas into ANS FORTH, rather than to compile formulas themselves (in any event, the latter would impose too much environmental dependence for good portability).