
\ ---------------------------------------------------
\     (c) Copyright 2001  Julian V. Noble.          \
\       Permission is granted by the author to      \
\       use this software for any application pro-  \
\       vided this copyright notice is preserved.   \
\ ---------------------------------------------------

\ This is an ANS Forth program requiring the
\   FLOAT, FLOAT EXT, FILE and TOOLS EXT wordsets.
\ Environmental dependences:
\       Assumes independent floating point stack
\       Uses FORmula TRANslator for clarity

MARKER -binroot

include ftran201.f

\ Data structures

FVARIABLE Ra                      \ f(xa)
FVARIABLE Rb                      \ f(xb)
FVARIABLE Rp                      \ f(xp)
FVARIABLE xa                      \ lower end of interval
FVARIABLE xb                      \ upper end of interval
FVARIABLE xp                      \ next guess
FVARIABLE epsilon                 \ precision

v: dummy                          \ vectored function name

: initialize    ( xt --) ( f: lower upper precision --)
        epsilon F!    xb F!    xa F!    \ store parameters
        defines dummy                   \ xt -> dummy
        f" Ra = dummy(xa)"              \ compute fn at endpts
        f" Rb = dummy(xb)"
        f" Ra*Rb"  F0>
           ABORT" Even # of roots in interval!"

: not_converged?    ( -- f)
        f" ABS( xa - xb )"   epsilon  F@  F>

: )binsrch      ( xt --) ( f: low hi precision -- root)
    BEGIN   not_converged?
    WHILE   f" xp = (xa+xb)/2"  f" Rp = dummy(xp)"
            f" Ra*Rp"  F0>
            IF      f" Ra = Rp"  f" xa = xp"
            ELSE    f" Rb = Rp"  f" xb = xp"
    f" (xa+xb)/2"